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James Logo
Overall rating:

Categories assigned to this product within the main category Technology.


Categories assigned to this product within the main category Needs.

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What does it consist of:

December 2018


James It is a system of care for the senior person that is active and has a certain autonomy to carry out their day to day. The proposal is a wearable watch that allows you to launch an emergency call through it at any place and time. After activating the alarm, the chain of people established to attend to it is contacted. That list of caregivers receive a call, SMS or link that includes the web address to track the location of the users who wear the bracelet on the online map.

In addition to the clock, the system also has an application for the caregiver to manage the clock. All the information about alarms, positions, messages, contact settings, battery, etc... can be configured from the mobile application in a very simple way.

Use the application to manage the clock. The users clock is managed by the James application. All information about the clock (alarms, position, messages), as well as the clock settings (alert chain, battery mode, etc.) can be easily viewed and configured.


Forms of acquisition:

The application can be purchased through GooglePlay:


And in order to acquire the watch, you can contact the company "Freedom James" itself: Freedom James website


Technical assessment:

Technical evaluation scores.

Design and manufacturing:
This item has not been rated/5
Refers to the physical aspects and details of the manufacturing of the technological product
Technical benefits:
This item has not been rated/5
Description of the quality of the technical specifications of the technological solution
User experience:
This item has not been rated/5
This criterion is linked to the user's assessment of the product or application
This item has not been rated/5
It is the degree to which people can use or access a product, technological solution or service, regardless of their technical, cognitive or physical capabilities.

Social valuation:

Social valuation scores.

Impact and utility:
This item has not been rated/5
Describe to what extent the functionalities of the product are useful and impact on the improvement of the user's life
Design and Ergonomics:
This item has not been rated/5
Assessment of how the design of the technological solution adapts to the person to achieve greater comfort and effectiveness when using it
Usability and accessibility:
This item has not been rated/5
Possibility of the device to be used, understood and used in equal conditions for any person
Ease of acquisition:
This item has not been rated/5
It refers to the possibilities of accessing and acquiring a technological solution by the user

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